Calibre Audio is a national charity providing audiobooks for anyone who has a print disability.
A print disability is a difficulty or inability to read printed material where someone is unable to see, read, manipulate or comprehend the text. This can include:
- A learning disability, such as dyslexia;
- A brain injury or cognitive impairment such as head trauma or stroke;
- A visual impairment or blindness;
- A physical dexterity problem such as multiple sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND), Parkinson's disease, arthritis, paralysis or terminal illness.
If you have any questions about your eligibility for our service, please contact our Membership Services team:
Email: membershipservices@calibre.org.uk
Telephone: 01296 432339
Our digital library service includes:
- Unlimited borrowing of over 15,500 unabridged audiobooks
- More than 1,000 new books each year
- Over 3,000 audiobooks specifically for children and young people
- Calibre has the rights to record audiobooks that are not commercially available
- Available on streaming, download and memory stick
- Free postage and no fines for late or lost audiobooks
- Manage your account by email or by phone
- Regular podcasts, newsletters and reading suggestions
- A friendly, personal, quick service