Calibre Audio is a UK charity that supports anyone who struggles to access print. This means that we provide an audiobook service to people who may have a visual impairment, dyslexia or a physical condition that means they have difficulty holding a physical book.
Calibre Audio is a charity registered in England and Wales (286614) and Scotland (SC051461) and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (1701585).
Who we are…
Since 1974, Calibre Audio has brought the joy of audiobooks to anyone struggling to access print, so they can immerse themselves in wonderful stories, memorable biographies or travel the world in their mind.

What we do…
In 2022-23 we sent over 474,000 audiobooks to our 16,000+ members across the UK and internationally. We are able to lend to countries that have ratified the Marrakesh Treaty (the 2013 international copyright exceptions for visually impaired and print disabled people).
Why we do it…
Everyone has the legal right to equal access to information, yet only around 7% of print books are converted to audio, the format needed for many disabled people. For young people, this has serious implications for their ability to learn and develop, and for the elderly, socially isolated, or disadvantaged, coming to terms with the loss of their sight, health and mobility, losing a lifelong love of the written word can be a real blow.
At Calibre, we believe in social inclusion and the wider benefits that reading brings, combating social isolation, increasing confidence and independence.
We also campaign with the Right to Read Alliance, and the DAISY consortium, and Share the Vision to support equality in disability and end discrimination.