How do I add books to my Postal List?

2 min. readlast update: 11.08.2023

Go to You will need to sign in to manage your account and add books to your list.

Click the ‘Log In’ button in the top right-hand corner and enter your email address and password or toggle the pink switch next to ‘Log in with email’ to log in with membership number instead.

Your password may be your surname in lower case.

Once logged in, you'll be taken to your Dashboard. From here you can start to search for audiobooks. Please see our article: How do I browse the collection?

When you've found a book, you should see a pink button called "Add to postal list" on the book information page. Click on this to add the title to your list.


You will now be able to see the books you have added by clicking on the profile icon in the top righthand corner and selecting ‘Dashboard’, and under the section Postal List.


If you change your mind and want to remove the book, simply click the red bin icon next to the title you wish to return.


There is no limit to the number of books you can have on your postal request list.

The books on your list will be selected to be sent to you by date first, then author – so the most recent books you added will be sent last.  

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