How Book Groups Work

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

The books are provided on USB memory sticks. We will send you a list of titles that you can choose from, but if there are titles you would like to read that aren’t on the list, please do suggest them as we may be able to offer them. Our current list of titles can be downloaded below. Once you have given us some titles and the dates of when you need them by, we will ensure the books get to you in time for your next meeting.

  • We will lend you 5 - 20 copies of a book, up to twelve times each year to cover all your book group meetings
  • There is a yearly subscription costing £18 per person per year (including VAT)
  • For example, if you have 6 members in your group it will cost £108 for the year in total for all the books that we send out to you in that year
  • There are no postal charges to visually impaired readers, as the books are sent free under the Articles for the Blind postage concession. For all other conditions, postal charges will be applied.

Word version

Book Group Titles – (Updated February 2020)

PDF version

Book Group Titles – (Updated February 2020)

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